Before you all get into an uproar, No, Rihanna did not make this list. I simply wanted to start us off with some hotness before we dive in to all of the uglies that we are going to see today.
Special Thanks to everyone who voted, I had a fun time watching the polls, and if the post you voted for didn't win, just sit tight, it'll show up, eventually.
Now, on to the always gratuitus explanation of the Top Ten. Have you ever been watching TV with some buddies and they start ripping on some ugly chick that pops up? We've all been there. Have you ever thought, during these times, "She's not so bad," but were too ashamed to say anything?
Well, don't feel ashamed anymore. We're gonna march all of these Uglies out into the open and shout from the rooftops:

Yeah, she's green.
Let's get past that shall we. Its 2007, and if I still live in a world that discriminates against a beautiful woman because of the color of her skin, than whats even the point? Besides I think she's a lawyer, so she must be pretty smart, and apparently she's into physical fitness and judging from the picture on the left, she's also a cowgirl. If she's half as good as Brad from Hey Dude! than I'd say she's one hell of a catch.
Man, are we topical over at Thirsty Bitch.
I went through a period of not seeing any redeeming qualities in Meg White, and then all of a sudden, like a 6th grader coming back from summer vacation and discovering something was different I thought, "She ain't bad." That grew into a full on crush.
Meg White?
Ain't nothing wrong with that.

I'm sorry to admit that this one is a case of peer pressure.
I always thought Dunst was really hot, and then blog after blog kept referring to her as the fug, and then I started thinking to myself,
"Lord, she is kinda fug."
That, piled on top of pictures like this one where she looks like any second she's gonna start peeing on the sidewalk like some crazy old lady I saw once, all equals a good ol' fashioned guilty pleasure fug.

I don't totally understand why she's famous. I went to an all boy's school with about 1200 dudes that all kinda bear a striking resemblance to her. Then again, her body is pretty amazing, and if i know anything about women's bodies...
I really don't.

Easy Joke.
Moving On...

What a feisty bitch.
She does have spunk, though. Plus, she's pregnant so you know she puts out. Also, watching her give Trebek hell on Jeopardy gains major points in my book.

Poor Natalie. She got a bad rap for being "the fat one", but as I've pointed out earlier, no one on that show was attractive. Besides, Natalie may have had the biggest waist, but she also had the biggest heart.
Where I'm from, we call that character.
Character goes a long way...
But then it can get you killed.
By the way, I'm from the streets.

We are really topical.
Kathy Griffin is really funny and that goes a long way. Apparently so far that I can't even think of anything sarcastic to say about her. But if you ever catch her reality show you'll see that she's a really down to earth person and not even that ugly.

Perhaps I should've kept this one to myself.

Oh, you so know it.
This isn't even limited to the members in the photo. I'll take any cast member from any period of the show for a crazy makeout session. Mainly because then it would be real fun to watch them fight about it afterward.
Let Your freak flag fly!