Thursday, September 06, 2007

The Monster Within.

Dear Abby,
I want to write to you before I accidentally hurt any of my loved ones. I have a terrible addiction that I've never told anyone about. Even as I write this, I am struggling to get the words out. There's no way to sugarcoat it, so I'm just going to come right out and say it. I feast on the blood of the innocent. I know that this sounds crazy, but it is not a hoax. Unfortunately, I suffer from vampirism. This is not a lifestyle choice, but a heriditary illness. I come from a long line of Eastern European nobility, and its a large part of my birthright.I have been able to keep my bloodlust a secret from all my friendly neighbors in the community that I live in, if they found out they would surely tell me how to get lost.

In order to keep myself in control, I had started counting to 10 whenever I craved blood. This worked for a while, but found it became more effective when I would count the things around me. This has given me focus for over 30 years of my addiction, but now feel that its effectiveness is wearing off. Theres only so many times I can count my cat's kittens or baseballs, before I start to realize how much I want to taste the hot, sweet blood of the countless children that inhabit my street. Fortunately, the only victim, thus far, has been my poor cat, Fatatita.

I had been counting my Hummel figurines when she walked by and I began counting the pints of blood I could drain from her. Afterwards, all I could count were my tears. Please help me before I kill again.

Scared on Sesame.


The Franchise said...

Hahaha maybe it's because I just woke up but I did not see that plot twist coming. Keep him away from Elmo.

Paul said...

I'm curious, where Exactly does the Count Live? They keep cutting to his castle, it seems rather outta the way from Sesame Street. You think Sesame Street is his personal meat pen?

Also, anytime a character randomly dissapeared, I'm going to see if the Count was in the episode and thus established his Alibi.